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How to Improve Iron Absorption from Food Sources

By Momi on September 11, 2023
Improve iron absorption from food

Absorption of Iron by your body depends highly on how you prepare your food, and which foods you eat together with iron rich foods.

If you consume foods rich in vitamin C such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, berries, melons, green leafy vegetables and capsicum together with iron-rich foods, your body can absorb more iron than if you consume them alone. You can also take a vitamin C supplement with iron-rich foods instead of other foods.

On the other hand, if you take foods like coffee, tea and red wine with iron-rich foods, your body will not be able to absorb iron efficiently. Similar is the case with calcium-rich foods, calcium supplements and some soybean-based foods. So, you must refrain from taking such foods together with iron-rich foods.

It’s better to have coffee, tea, red wine and dairy foods in between meals.