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Difference Between a Centipede and a Millipede

By Momi on October 27, 2023

There are a lot of differences between centipedes and millipedes. Centipedes are called Hundred-Legged Worms, have elongated, quick shape and dark brown or yellowish-grey coloring, while Millipedes are called Thousand-Legged Worms, have sub-cylindrical and worm-like shape and bright black or brown coloring. 

Centipedes lay between 10-50 eggs at a time, have wide segmented bodies having between 15-100 segments, while Millipedes lay dozens to hundreds of eggs at a time and have narrow segmented bodies between 30-400 segments.

Centipedes are fast-moving aggressive predators, are venomous and use their venom to immobilize prey, while Millipedes are slow-moving, non-aggressive and non-venomous but may secrete chemicals.

Centipedes have more flexible bodies, can move swiftly, have a pair of sharp venomous fangs, while Millipedes have less flexible bodies and don't have venomous fangs. 

Centipedes have long, thread-like antennae, are carnivorous and feed on insects, while Millipedes have shorter, club-shaped antennae and eat small insects or fungi.

Centipedes are found in various terrestrial environments, including gardens and homes and are often brightly colored, while Millipedes are found in places with leaf litter, are darker and may have patterns or coloration that blends with their surroundings.

Centipedes have single pair of legs per segment, which are spread outwards and visible on both sides of the body, while Millipedes have two or sometimes four pairs per segment, which are aligned to each other and partially visible.