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How to Secure Your Wi-Fi Network

By SamK on January 07, 2024
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Securing your Wi-Fi network is essential to protect your personal information and prevent unauthorized access. Here's a short guide on how to do it:

Change the default username and password: Use a strong, unique password for your router's admin panel to prevent unauthorized access.

Enable network encryption: Use WPA2 or WPA3 encryption to secure your Wi-Fi network. This encrypts data sent between your devices and the router.

Use a strong Wi-Fi password: Create a strong, unique password for your Wi-Fi network. Avoid using common or easily guessable passwords.

Enable network firewall: Enable the firewall on your router to block unauthorized access to your network.

Disable WPS: Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) can be vulnerable to attacks. Disable WPS on your router to enhance security.

Enable MAC address filtering: Restrict access to your network by only allowing devices with specific MAC addresses to connect.

Keep your router firmware up to date: Regularly update your router's firmware to protect against known vulnerabilities.

Limit the range of your Wi-Fi signal: Adjust the router's power settings to reduce the range of your Wi-Fi signal, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access from outside your home.

Use a VPN: Consider using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to encrypt your internet traffic for an added layer of security, especially when using public Wi-Fi networks.