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Nmap - Open-Source Network Scanning Tool

By JackM on March 03, 2024
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Nmap (Network Mapper) is a powerful open-source network scanning tool used for network exploration and security auditing. It has a wide range of features that make it a popular choice for network administrators and security professionals. Here are some key features of Nmap:

Host Discovery: Nmap can discover hosts on a network, identifying which IP addresses are in use and available.

Port Scanning: Nmap can scan for open ports on a target host, indicating which services are running and potentially vulnerable to attack.

Service Version Detection: Nmap can detect the version of services running on open ports, helping to identify specific software and potential vulnerabilities.

Operating System Detection: Nmap can attempt to determine the operating system of a target host based on various network characteristics.

Scriptable Interaction: Nmap has a scripting engine that allows users to write and execute scripts to automate tasks and extend the functionality of Nmap.

Network Mapping: Nmap can create a map of the network topology, showing the relationships between hosts and their connectivity.

Vulnerability Detection: Nmap can be used to scan for known vulnerabilities in target hosts, helping to identify potential security risks.

Customizable Scans: Nmap offers a wide range of scanning options and parameters that can be customized to suit specific scanning requirements and network environments.

Output Formats: Nmap can output scan results in various formats, including text, XML, and grepable formats, making it easy to process and analyze scan results.

Stealth Scanning: Nmap offers various scanning techniques, including stealth scanning, to avoid detection by intrusion detection systems (IDS) and firewalls.

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